Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Pray for Sean Stone

I have just received word that Sean Stone, son of director Oliver Stone, has converted to Islam.

"The conversion to is not abandoning Christianity or Judaism..."  He said to the Agence France-Presse.  Actually, Mr. Stone, you have.

There is no equivalence between Christianity and Islam, and Mohammed was not a prophet of God.  The Gospel is a message of God's love for all men, such a love that He was willing to give us His only Begotten Son, so that we may have everlasting life.  The message of Mohammed was of a god who despises all who do not believe in him and who salivates at the prospect of sending the "infidels" to hellfire.  Jesus Christ healed the sick, raised the dead, and was the Prince of Peace.  Mohammed led raids to capture booty and slaves, killed those who disbelieved that he was a "prophet", preached that Jews and others should be fought and killed until they either were enslaved or accepted Islam, and kept several wives and sex slaves, including a nine-year-old girl named Aisha.

Mr. Stone has made a grave error.  Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven.  Please, pray for him.  He needs it now.

Pax Christi.


  1. Mr Sean Stone is not a kid, he is well educated and well aware person, he did thorough research before the acceptance of Islam, there are 2 kind of people one who follow the propegenda and other who seek the truth in light of signs. Mr Stone is not the first person, there are many Christian pastors, scholars, celebrities and well known personalities already embraces Islam for a reason which is obvious. You need thorough study being neutral and open mind.

    1. I've studied Islam enough to know that it's ugly. Open-ended calls for violence and warfare against "infidels" in the heart of it's "scriptures" is just the beginning. Not to mention Muhammed acted less like a prophet and more like a warlord; hardly someone I want to follow!

      If people knew the truth about Islam, they would be abandoning it in droves. But as you said, some prefer to follow propaganda rather than truth.

      As for those Christian "pastors" you cite, who cares? They've abandoned their Lord and Savior for a false religion. Sadly, liberal "Christians" have already proven countless times that the First Commandment means nothing to them, and I pray that God will have mercy on them.
