Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Graces of Advent

As we move into Advent, it will be profitable for us to remember some very important things.

1.  Advent is the beginning of a new liturgical year in the Western Church.  As such, it is appropriate, I think, to use this time as a period of renewal of our spiritual lives.  Allow yourself to become more immersed in prayer; pray often to take advantage of the wonderful graces that come from this season.  Attend Mass daily to receive the grace that comes from the Eucharist.  Renew your soul in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  Use the newfound graces to do God's will to help those in need.

2.  Thank God for every blessing over the year that you can think of.  Every happy moment, every loving friend and family member, every grace, is a gift from God Almighty.  Thank Him and praise Him fervently.

3.  Prepare yourself to celebrate the birth of Christ by reading the Scriptures and reflecting on them.  Lection Divina, and ancient practice of spiritual reading, is especially valuable.  Use it.

Have a blessed Advent, filled with grace.

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